Spinning Up by OpenAI

Some note from OpenAI Spinning Up

Kinds of RL Algorithms

Key Algorithms

Vanilla Policy Gradient

The key idea underlying policy gradient is to push up the possibilities of actions that lead to higher return, and push down the possibilities of actions that lead to lower return, until you arrive at the optimal policy.

Quick Facts

  • on-policy

  • discrete or continuous action spaces

Key Equations

The policy gradient algorithm works by updating policy parameters via stochastic gradient ascent on policy performance:

Exploration vs. Exploitation

VPG trains a stochastic policy in an on-policy way. This means that it explores by sampling actions according to the latest version of its stochastic policy. The amount of randomness in action selection depends on both initial conditions and the training procedure. Over the course of training, the policy typically becomes progressively less random, as the update rule encourages it to exploit rewards that it has already found. This may cause the policy to get trapped in local optima.



Trust Region Policy Optimization

TRPO updates policies by taking the largest step possible to improve performance, while satisfying a special constraint on how close the new and old policies are allowed to be. The constraint is expressed in terms of KL-Divergence, a measure of distance between probability distributions.

This is different from normal policy gradient, which keeps new and old policies close in parameter space. But even seemingly small differences in parameter space can have very large differences in performance -- so a single bad step can collapse the policy performance. This make it dangerous to use large step sizes with vanilla policy gradients, thus hurting its sampling efficiency. TRPO nicely avoids this kind of collapse, and tends to quickly and monotonically improve performance.

Quick Facts

  • on-policy

  • discrete or continuous action spaces

Key Equations

resulting in an approximate optimization problem,

This approximate problem can be analytically solved by the methods of Lagrangian duality, yielding the solution:

If we were to stop here, and just use this final result, the algorithm would be exactly calculating the Natural Policy Gradient. A problem is that, due to the approximation errors introduced by the Taylor expansion, this may not satisfy the KL constraint, or actually improve the surrogate advantage. TRPO adds a modification to this update rule: a backtracking line search,

which gives s the correct output without computing the whole matrix.

Exploration vs. Exploitation

TRPO trains a stochastic policy in an on-policy way. This means that it explores by sampling actions according to the latest version of its stochastic policy. The amount of randomness in action selection depends on both initial conditions and the training procedure. Over the course of training, the policy typically becomes progressively less random, as the update rule encourages it to exploit rewards that it has already found. This may cause the policy to get trapped in local optima.



Proximal Policy Optimization

Quick Facts

Key Equations

Exploration vs. Exploitation



Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient

Quick Facts

Key Equations

Exploration vs. Exploitation



Twin Delayed DDPG

Quick Facts

Key Equations

Exploration vs. Exploitation



Soft Actor-Critic

Quick Facts

Key Equations

Exploration vs. Exploitation



Last updated